Wilderness Survival
Fast Facts
In this session, Scouts will learn how to make appropriate plans and manage risks when in the wilderness. Additionally, they will learn how to survive when things go wrong. We recommend that Scouts be at least 13 years of age in order to participate.
Requirement 5 (building a personal survival kit) must be completed before coming to camp and should be sent with the Scout to camp to show to the instructor. Here are some suggested items that could be included:
- 10 Waterproof matches
- 2 Fish hooks
- 25’ Fishing line
- 25’ Para cord
- 3’ Aluminum foil
- Large (55 gallon) heavy duty trash bag
- Signaling mirror
- Whistle
- Small roll of duct tape
- Swiss Army Knife
- Collapsible cup
- First aid kit
After developing skills during the week, Scouts take an overnight trip to the backcountry of Raven Knob on Thursday night to put their skills into practice. In addition to eating a delicious meal with the Cripple Creek crew, Wilderness Survival participants will have the opportunity to spend the night under the stars in a shelter that they construct for themselves.