Shooting Sports
The Shooting Sports area offers merit badge sessions in Archery, Rifle Shooting, and Shotgun Shooting. All Shooting Sports activities take place in our new ranges, located on Ridge Road just past the climbing tower.
Scoutmasters are asked to use discretion when registering participants for programs in the Shooting Sports Area. Scoutmasters must read the requirements and evaluate the Scout's physical size and ability, maturity, and attitude before enrolling Scouts. Scouts unable to properly hold a firearm or draw a bow will be very challenged to fulfill the merit badge requirements within the week and thus will be excused from the session by the merit badge instructor on Monday and assisted in enrolling in another program. All Shooting Sports merit badges are recommended for scouts 13 years of age or older. Scouts who have already earned a Shooting Sports merit badge are not eligible to sign up for that badge again. For more information, please see "Age, Maturity, and Skill Level" in the Raven Knob Leader's Guide.
Troop Shoots
Troops are invited to sign up at the Sunday evening Leaders' Meeting for troop shooting events held Monday and Tuesday evenings after supper. Troop Shoots are available on all three ranges: archery (no fee), rifle ($1 per participant), and shotgun ($5 per participant).
Off-Season Shooting Sports
The Old Hickory Council also offers several training courses and recreational opportunities at the Camp Raven Knob shooting ranges throughout the year when summer camp is not in session. For more information, click here.